Wood pellets are compressed wood particles that are used as fuel.They are considered carbon neutral, as the tree sucks up the same amount of carbon as the pellets emit, when burnt. Wood pellets replace coal in power plants and gas or heating oil in residential central heating installations or stoves. Continue reading →
From the Fireside – The Designer Fireplace Blog
Welcome to the Designer Fireplace South Africa Blog! This part of our site is dedicated to informing you our client (or potential clients) about what makes a Designer Fireplace so different from all of the other heating options available in the country. To learn more about us as a company please feel free to go the About Us page on this site. Alternatively you can Request a FREE Assessment of your house to find out how a Designer Fireplace can best enhance your home.
Why do Fireplaces smoke?
Photo by www.mychimney.com
With a BioFire fireplace we guarantee that you will have none of the above problems as your BioFire is built according to the exact local conditions. A prior computer simulation rules out the guessing work and you can read up on this in our WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT section. Read below why many firplaces leave smoke and the smell that goes with it in the house. Continue reading →
What kind of firewood works best
In South Africa firewood is readily available thanks to the fact that it is naturally abundant and because of the initiative of many roadside informal vendors. But when you stop to buy a load of wood on the side of the road (or even purchase it from a reputable outlet) what should you look for to ensure you get the best firewood? What makes good firewood?
A BioFire is the perfect home fire for those cold winter nights
A BioFire fireplace gives you instant heat
Soon after lighting the fire, the large glass door provides intense heat rays, creating the perfect home fire and atmosphere to stay cosy in the evenings.
A BioFire fireplace gives you long lasting heat
A BioFire will provide a continuous heat output for 12-24 hours. This is achieved through the great heat retaining mass consisting of patented ceramic refractory bricks. Practical use has shown that firing it once a day is sufficient for the greatest part of the heating season in South Africa. You can enjoy the ambient atmosphere provided by the burning fire in the evening and the next morning your living area is still comfortably warm.
A BioFire fireplace produces healthy radiant heat
Radiant heat BioFire Fireplaces have many distinct advantages as opposed to conventional and slow combustion ovens that mostly produce convection heat. Click here to find out What makes us different.
Healthy Heat – What is the best form of heating?
No heat is as healthy and safe as radiant heat. It produces no chemicals, dust particles, odours or fumes, thus making it more appropriate for asthmatics, arthritis sufferers, people with allergies or chemical sensitivities. Continue reading →
Different kinds of Fireplaces – Radiant Heat and Masonry
A BioFire is a Radiant heat Fireplace. It has many distinct advantages over conventional convection ovens that produce heat through slow combustion. This is because while convection heat mostly warms up the air, possibly leaving a dry room atmosphere, radiant heat works on the principle of heating up objects as they are struck by heat rays. These objects can be walls, furniture as well as the human body. The whole radiant heat process is based on the same principle as the heat produced by the sun. Continue reading →
Different Kinds of Fireplaces – Closed Combustion
Closed combustion stoves are sealed steel units. Most of the ones available are designed for wood burning, yet some can handle anthracite. The fire takes place behind a pane of glass with the combustion air being drawn in through vents that the user controls. These fireplaces produce very low emissions.
With slow combustion fireplaces, the amount of available oxygen for combustion is regulated. Through this,the burning duration of wood is extended. In order to maintain the continuous heat 2-6kg of wood needs to be added per hour. As a smaller amount of wood is burned continuously, the immediate heat provision is weaker. Continue reading →
Different Kinds of Fireplaces – Open Fireplaces
Traditional wood/anthracite fires of the open brick variety look good but give very low efficiencies (about 5% of the energy in the wood is converted to heat inside your home) and low heat outputs. They usually have a brick chimney, making them very safe if you use a fire guard, but with the drawback that they generally heat one room only and at considerable fuel consumption.
They also die out 2 to 3 hours after replenishing the fuel, meaning that they do not keep the room warm.
Manufactured steel boxes that either fit into the chimney or are designed as a free standing unit are more efficient than the brick fire, generally running at 10 to 20% efficient. This means more heat, less fuel but still needing a screen and frequent loading. Typically this type of fire heats one to two rooms of your home.
Different kinds of Fireplaces : Gas Fireplaces
Decorative gas fires appear as real fire when burning. Generally they have a reddish yellow flame and have either artificial coals, logs or pebbles on them. Continue reading →
Introducing Different kinds of Fireplaces
In this series were, are going to take a look at different kinds of fireplaces. We will be explaining how these fireplaces work and also share a comparison at the end of the series.
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