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With a BioFire fireplace we guarantee that you will have none of the above problems as your BioFire is built according to the exact local conditions. A prior computer simulation rules out the guessing work and you can read up on this in our WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT section. Read below why many firplaces leave smoke and the smell that goes with it in the house.
Where there’s fire there is always smoke, and when the fire is in your fireplace or wood stove you need that smoke to vent outside. The problem is that this does not always happen as planned. If your fireplace is dumping smoke into your home there is generally 1 of 2 reasons, you didn’t open the damper or your fireplace has a drafting problem.
If your fireplaces smokes ALL THE TIME
Let’s get the obvious out of the way first, damper is closed, flue is clogged with a nest (animals like birds, bees, raccoons, squirrels, etc. like chimney flues), extreme creosote build-up, or other type of blockage. If you have smoke simply pouring into your home whenever you attempt to start a fire you should either call a professional chimney sweep or get some Chimney Cleaning Supplies and begin cleaning. Due to a BioFire’s efficient combustion creosite deposits simply cannot occur.
If your fireplace smokes SOMETIMES
This takes some investigation. Don’t just assume it is because of one thing or another. There are so many possible causes for a smoking fireplace that you can spend a ton of money guessing what the problem is. But with some investigation you can usually narrow it down to just 1 or 2 possibilities. Ask yourself the following questions:
We hope that the info above was helpful. Go ahead and share your experiences with smoking fireplaces?