Wood Burning Fireplaces in Somerset West

BioFire Fireplace built in Somerset West

Wood Burning Fireplace

Unlike conventional fireplaces, a BioFire Wood Burning Fireplace stores the energy it generates and provides it as radiant heat. A BIOFIRE warms up your home in a cost effective and ecologically friendly way and is a viable and electricity independent alternative to under floor heating in South African homes.

A BioFire can be built in any room of the house. This particular one was built in the master bedroom and ensured great comfort and warmth during the cold and wet winter.

Don’t wait for winter to arrive next year. Contact us now to start planing your heating solution!

4 Comments on "Wood Burning Fireplaces in Somerset West"

  1. Servaas says:

    Do you require a chimney ?

    Thank you

  2. Alex says:

    Thanks for your question. Yes you do require a chimney, but we are very flexible on how to position them as all fireplaces are individually designed for the exact chimney used. Through this we can always ensure the perfect draft conditions (even when having to go horizontal for a few meters).

  3. Rudolph says:

    Can one of these be built into an existing fireplace which works perfectly well, but is open to the front.

  4. Rozanne says:

    A BioFire Fireplace can be built into any existing fireplace. Please CLICK HERE to read more about built in fireplaces.

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