Safety first this winter! BioFire is a child friendly fireplace

Don’t you often wish you could leave your kids unsupervised by the fireplace?

Well, this winter you can!

Due to the fact that the fire in a BioFire fireplace is contained behind a glass door there is no risk of ignition outside of the fireplace. Additionally the burn time is limited compared to all other fireplaces. All the BioFire fireplace designs and chimney systems adhere to very strict German fire safety requirements.

A BioFire is a child friendly fireplace

A BioFire fireplace is safe for children because the surface temperature of the entire fireplace radiates a comfortable radiant heat that cannot burn or injure a person on touch. This makes a BioFire fireplace one of the most child friendly heating options available in South Africa and is perfect for families with children of all ages.

Moms and dads, you can relax next to a BioFire Fireplace this winter, knowing that you dont have to keep a constant eye on the kids!

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