Keep Warm This Winter with a Designer Fireplace
As the days get shorter and temperatures start to drop, one can’t help but notice that summer has bid us farewell. Sundresses and shorts are being replaced by jerseys and coats, salads are no longer the fare of the day but instead warm hearty stews are on the menu. Winter is coming.
When one thinks about winter one of the first images that is conjured up is one of a roaring fireplace. Since the dawn of time man has used fire to warm himself. Looking back, the fireplace has come a long way since its early days in cave dwellings, but one thing has remained the same, it has always been the heart of a home in the cold winter months. Originally used for heat and to cook on, today’s fireplaces have come a long way. Gone are the days of rubbing two stones together to create a single spark. Instead, today there is a plethora of choice when it comes to choosing the right fireplace. While gas and electrical fires are becoming increasingly popular, nothing beats a wood burning fire. The sound of the logs crackling as they burn, the intense heat given off, the perfectly choreographed dance of the flames as they rise and fall…there is something captivating about a natural wood burning fire that can’t be replicated.
Today, with so many different designs and technologies available, it is hard to know where to start. Here are some things to consider:
Traditional wood burning fireplaces with open hearths and chimneys are all good and well but they are not very efficient. As far back as the 1700s scientist and statesman Benjamin Franklin observed that “the strongest heat from the fire, which is upwards, goes directly up the chimney and is lost.” Heat rises so it stands to reason that most of the heat will be lost. But,all is NOT lost. Thanks to technology developed as the result of freezing temperatures in the Austrian Alps, one can install an Austrian ceramic fireplace which is designed around the principles of combustion and heat retention. As the wood burns combustion is achieved and the hot air travels through the handmade ceramic chambers. Made out of patented ceramic bricks which are specially designed to have a larger surface area and therefore retain the heat better, an Austrian ceramic fireplace will create heat that lasts.
Environmental Impact:
Unlike traditional wood burning fireplaces, Austrian ceramic fires are incredibly eco-friendly. Not only do they meet the very strict emission quotas as per European guidelines, because of the way in which the wood burns and the heat is retained as much as 88% of the energy produced is heat energy. The combustion process that takes place is so efficient that the carbon dioxide levels emitted from these ceramic fireplaces are the equivalent of those released during the natural decomposition of the wood. Cleaner than gas or oil, cheaper than electricity and green to boot. It’s a no brainer!
The installation cost of an Austrian ceramic fireplace is on a par with its competitors. Depending on the supplier used, they can start at as little as R48, 000. These costs can be recouped quickly because of the extremely efficient way in which these fireplaces produce heat, and the fact that the heat lingers for at least 12 hours after the fire has burnt out. There are no gas bills and sky-high electricity bills to pay. It is also very reassuring to know that should Eskom plunge the country back into darkness at least the fire will burn and the house will be warm. There is no mad scramble for gas bottles either.
Fire is mesmerising, it’s beautiful. It’s a dance that delights. Austrian ceramic fireplaces are fitted with a glass door that showcases the fire. These fireplaces are designed as features around which the room is built. The wonderful thing about these ceramic fireplaces is that the only limitation on design is one’s own imagination. Each fireplace is designed to fit the specific space into which is will go, and a complete assessment of the space is carried out to calculate the heating requirements. Whether it’s a classical hearth and mantle piece design, modern, built in or free-standing fireplace there is nothing that can’t be achieved.
Safety is a big issue when it comes to wood burning fires, especially when there are little people around. An Austrian ceramic fireplace is perfectly safe for kids. The fire is safely contained behind the glass door, and the advanced technology and ceramic materials the temperature of the fireplace is not hot to the touch so will not burn little hands, or big hands for that matter.
A fireplace is an asset in any home, so much so that according to the National Association of Homebuilders over 77% of homeowners either have or want a fireplace. With this in mind, and the tips above, why not warm yourself this winter by the fireside of an Austrian ceramic fireplace. Contact us for a custom quote today.